Check out all the upcoming events.
Description presents BRING BACK THE 90's The Suited and Booted Vs Sexy Dress VIP Edition!! 1,000 Ravers - 25 Lavish VIPs - Huge Balcony overlooking the Dance floor!! MASSIVE CHRIS...
Description CLEO SIMONE (Live for one night!!!) The new R&B/POP singer will be performing her album to a luck 150 people!!! Scroll down to get your FREE copy now and to watch the...
ML PARTIES PRESENTS CHAMPAGNE SHOWERS The sexy and exclusive city Party Celebrating Moonlight's Bday On Saturday 14th November 2015 @Cavaggio 10pm -Late (Last Entry 1.30pm) Djs on t...
Gilgamesh and City PR presents MONSTERS BALL The VIP Halloween Fancy Dress Party (Not compulsory) On Friday 30th October 2015 @Gilgamesh The Stables Market, Chalk Farm Rd, London NW1 8AH Ad...
Unique & ML Parties presents SWEET TEMPTATION On Friday 23rd October 2015 @Gilgamesh Multi Million Pound Complex Your Massive Djs: Cold As Ice Dj Slick CLK (Mtv) 9pm -2am (Last ...
Please Note: This is no ordinary event this is a MEGA PARTY in a SUPER CLUB not a restaurant or small club! SCROLL TO THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE & WATCH OUR HIGHLIGHTS VIDEO TO SEE WHAT TO EXPECT!! ...
ML PARTIES Presents CHAMPAGNE SHOWERS vip Party If you wanna party with well dressed, sexy ravers, with no hype this is the idea event for you. @GILGAMESH The Stables Market, Camden Market...
ML PARTIES Presents CHAMPAGNE SHOWERS vip Party If you wanna party with well dressed, sexy ravers, with no hype this is the idea event for you. @GILGAMESH The Stables Market, Camden Market...